of Leicester Chapbooks Project UNIVERSITY OF LEICESTER, 10-12 July 2012
Guest speakers: Adam Fox, University of Edinburgh Author of Oral and Literate Culture in England 1500-1700
Sheila O'Connell,
British Museum Author of The Popular Print in England Further information from John Hinks: The
call for papers will be issued in November 2011 on the British Book Trade Index website: THE
AND WALES UP TO 1851 The following group may also be worthy
of your attention: The Book History Research Network, formerly the Book History Postgraduate
Network, was established in 1998 by the former Book Trade History Group in co-operation with the Institute for
English Studies at the School of Advanced Study at the University of London. We organize Study Days (usually two a year)
in different areas, to discuss their work and share experiences, progress and problems.We also host a Register of Book History
Researchers. The register aims to include current and recently completed research in all areas of book history.
volumes in the Print Networks series (available from Barry McKay Rare Books)
St Paul’s Bibliographies, 1990. 8vo, (217x152mm), xii,212p. 6 plates. Laminated hardback boards. £18.50 (Stock reference 10259) The precursor of the Print Networks series containing: F.W. Ratcliffe,
The Contribution of Book-trade Studies to Scholarship. A.I. Doyle, The English Provincial Book Trade before Printing. Paul Morgan, The Provincial
Book Trade before the End of the Licensing Act. David Pearson, Cambridge Bindings
in Cosin's Library Durham. Jeremy Black, The English Provincial Press in
the Eighteenth Century. Ian Maxted, Mobility and Innovation in the Book Trades
- Some Devon Examples. P.J. Wallis, Cross-Regional Connexions. Eiluned
Rees, The Welsh Printing House from 1718 to 1818. Wesley McCann, Patrick Neill and the Origins of Belfast Printing. Vincent Kinane & Charles Benson, Some Late 18th- and early 19th- Dublin Printers Accounts Books. Michael Perkin, Hampshire Notices of Printing Presses 1799-1867. Adam McNaughton, A Century
of Saltmarket Literature 1790-1890. Brian Hillyard, Working Towards a History
of Scottish Book Collecting. ISAAC, Peter & Barry McKAY [Editors]
IMAGES & TEXTS. Their production and distribution in the 18th and 19th centuries. Winchester: St Paul’s Bibliographies,
1997. 8vo, (218x150mm), xiv,188p. 23 illustrations. Laminated hardback boards. £25.00
(Stock reference 258) Containing: Diana Dixon, Northamptonshire Newspapers. Martin Holmes, Samuel Gamidge Bookseller in Worcester. John Gavin, Cumbrian Literary Institutions: Cartmel & Furness. Barry McKay, Three
Cumbrian Chapbook Printers: the Dunns of Whitehaven and Ann Bell & Anthony Soulby of Penrith. John Morris,
Scottish Ballads and Chapbooks, Brenda Scragg Some Sources for Manchester Printing in the
Nineteenth Century. Philp Henry Jones, Welsh Language Publishing in the Nineteenth
Century. Iain Beavan, Aberdeen University Press and the Scottish Typographical
Association. Peter Lord, Welsh Images & Images of Wales in the Popular Press.
ISAAC, Peter & Barry McKAY [Editors] THE REACH OF PRINT. Making, selling and using
books. Winchester: St Paul’s Bibliographies; New Castle, DE.: Oak Knoll Press 1998. 8vo, (218x150mm), x,228p.
26 illustrations and maps. Laminated hardback boards. £12.00 (stock reference
31) Containing: R. J. Goulden, Print Culture in the Kentish Weald. David
Shaw & Sarah Gray, James Abree: Canterbury’s First ‘Modern’ Printer. Philip Henry Jones, The Welsh Wesleyan Bookroom. Margaret Cooper, A Snuff-box for the king of Prussia: the remarkable Career of Benjamin Maund. Barry McKay, Cumbrian Chapbook Cuts: Some Sources and Other Versions. John Morris, A
Bothy Ballad and its Chapbook Source. Fiona Black, Book Distribution to the Scottish
and Canadian Provinces. Bill Bell, ‘Pioneers of Literature’: Commercial
Travellers in the Early 19th Century. Michael Powell & Terry Wyke, Penny
Capitalism in the Manchester Book Trade: the Case of James Wetherley. Peter Isaac, Charles
Elliot and Spilsbury’s Antiscorbutic Drops. Sheila Hingley, Elham Parish
Library. Michael Perkin, Parochial Libraries: Founders and Readers. Iain Beavan, ‘The best Library that ever the North Pairtes of Scotland Saw’:
Thomas Reid and his Books.
ISAAC, Peter & Barry McKAY [Editors].
THE HUMAN FACE OF THE BOOK TRADE. Print culture and its creators. Winchester: St Paul’s Bibliographies,. 1999.
8vo, (218x150mm), x,228p. 4 illustrations. Out of print. Containing: Paul Morgan, Henry Cotton and W.H. Allnutt: Two Pioneer Book-Trade Historians. David Stoker, The Country Book Trade 1784-85. Stephen W. Brown, William Smellie and the Printer’s Role in the Eighteenth-Century Edinburgh Book Trade. Richard B
Sher, William Buchan’s Domestic Medicine: Laying Book History Open. Jonathan
Sanderson, Medical Secrets and the Book Trade: Ownership of the Copy of the College of Physicians’
Pharmacopeia (1618-50). Warren McDougall, Charles Elliot and the London Booksellers
in the Early Years. Peter Isaac, Charles Elliot and the English Provincial Book
Trade. Philip Henry Jones, Scotland and the Welsh-Language Book Trade During
the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century. Iain Beavan, ‘Spreading the
Hell-hounds of Jealousy and Discord’: the Aberdeen Shaver and its Times. Brenda Scragg, William Ford, Manchester Bookseller. Michael Powell & Terry Wyke, At
the Fall of the Hammer: Auctioneering Books in Manchester 1700-1850. Barry McKay , Niche
Marketing in the Nineteenth Century: The Shepherds’ Guides of the Northern Counties. Graeme Forbes, The Edward Clark Collection at Napier University, Edinburgh.
ISAAC, Peter & Barry McKAY
[Editors] THE MIGHTY ENGINE. The book trade at work. Winchester: St Paul’s Bibliographies: New Castle DE.: Oak
Knoll Press,. 2000. 8vo, (218x150mm), xii,205p. 6 illustrations. Laminated hardback boards. £25.00 (Stock reference 4988) Containing: Chris Baggs, The
Potter Family of Haverfordwest 1780-1875. Iain Beavan, Advertising Judiciously:
Scottish Nineteenth-Century Publishers and the British Market. Maureen Bell, Sturdy
Rogues and Vagabonds: Restoration Control of Pedlars and Hawkers. Audrey Cooper, George
Nicholson and His Cambrian Traveller’s Guide. Margaret Cooper, Books Returned,
Accounts Unsettled and Gifts of Country Food: Customer Expectations at the Turn of the Eighteenth Century; John Mountford,
Worcester Bookseller. Diana Dixon, Newspapers in Huntingdonshire in the Eighteenth
and Nineteenth Centuries. Jim English, Chapbooks & Primers, Piety, Poetry
& Classics: the Mozleys of Gainsborough. Stacey Gee, The Coming of Print
to York, c1490-1550. Sarah Gray, William Flackton 1709-1798: Canterbury Bookseller
and Musician. John Hinks, Some radical Printers and Booksellers of Leicester
c1790-1850. Philip Henry Jones, ‘Business is awful bad in these parts’:
New Evidence for the Pre-1914 Decline of the Welsh-Language Book Trade. Rheinallt Llwyd, ‘Worthy of the poets and worthy of a gentleman’: Publishing Gorchestion Beirdd Cymru (1773). Barry McKay, John Ware, Printer and Bookseller of Whitehaven: a Year from His Day-Books
1799-1800. Brenda Scragg, William Ford and Edinburgh Cultural Society at the
Beginning of the Nineteenth Century. David Shaw, Canterbury’s External
Links: Book-Trade Relations at the Regional and National Level in the Eighteenth Century. David Stoker, Printing at the Red-Well: an Early Norwich Press Through the Eyes of Contemporaries. Richard Suggett,
Pedlars & mercers as Distributors of Print in Early-Modern Wales. John R.
Turner, Book Publishing from the English Provinces in the Late Nineteenth Century: a Report
of Work in Progress.
ISAAC, Peter & Barry McKAY [Editors] THE MOVING
MARKET. Continuity and change in the book trade. New Castle, Oak Knoll Press, 2001. 8vo, (218x150mm), xiv,201p. 18
illustrations. Laminated hardback boards. £12.00 (stock reference 7720) Containing: Iain Beavan, 'What Constitutes the Crime which it is Your Pleasure
to Punish so mercilessly?' Scottish Booksellers' Societies in the Nineteenth
Century. Maureen Bell, Reading in Seventeenth-Century Derbyshire: the Wheatcrofts
and their Books. Diana Dixon, New Town, New Newspapers: the Development of the
Newspaper Press in Nineteenth-Century Middlesbrough. John Hinks, The Beginnings
of the Book Trade in Leicester. David Hounslow, A Moving Market: The Influence
of London Books of Street Cries on Provincial Editions to c 1830. Peter Isaac,
Splendide mendax: Publishing Landscape Illustrations of the Bible. Philip Henry Jones, The First World War and Welsh-Language Publishing. Wallace Kirsop, From
Curry's to Collins Street, or how a Dubliner Became the `Melbourne Mudie.' Barry McKay, John Atkinson's 'Lottery' Book of 1809: John Locke's Theory of Education Comes to Workington. Lisa Peters, The Troubled History of a Welsh Newspaper Publishing Company: the North Wales
Constitutional Newspaper Company Limited 1869-1878. Janet Phipps, Book Availability
in Ipswich over the Years. Michael Powell & Terry Wyke, `Aristotle to a Wery
Tall Man': Selling Secondhand Books in Manchester in the 1830s. Sydney J. Shep, Mapping
the Migration of Paper: Historical Geography and New Zealand Print Culture. Richard B. Sher & Hugh Amory,
From Scotland to the Strand: the Genesis of Andrew Millar's Bookselling Career. Jeffrey Smith, Books and Culture in Late Eighteenth- and Early Nineteenth-Century Newcastle.
McKAY, Barry, Maureen BELL & John HINKS [Editors]. LIGHT ON
THE BOOK TRADE. Essays presented at the Nineteenth Seminar on the British Book Trade in honour of Peter Isaac. London:
British Library; New Castle, DE.: Oak Knoll Press, 2004. 8vo, (218x150mm), viii,216p. illustrations. Laminated hardback boards. £25.00 (stock reference 9574) Containing: Caroline Archer, Typography in nineteenth century children's readers: the Otley connection. Iain Beavan, Staying the course: the Edinburgh cabinet library 1830-1844. Margaret Cooper, Influential and mysterious: the career of Septimus Prowett bookseller, publisher and picture dealer. Diana
Dixon, Paths through the wilderness: recording the history of provincial newspapers in England. John Feather, The history of the provincial book trade: a research agenda. John
Gavin, Literary institutions in the Lake counties Part 4: catalogues. R.J. Goulden, False imprints and the Bridger specimen books. David N Griffiths, Print privilege and piracy in the Book of Common Prayer. John Hinks, John
Gregory and the 'Leicester Journal.' David Hounslow, From George III
to Queen Victoria: a provincial family and their books. Philip Henry Jones, Thomas
Gee senior. Wallace Kirsop, Baker's juvenile circulating library in Sydney
in the 1840s. Lucy Lewis, 'For no man is an island, divided from the main'
incunable sammelbande. Warren McDougall, Charles Elliot's book adventure
in Philadelphia, and the trouble with Thomas Dobson. Barry McKay, Peter Isaac:
a landmark removed, and Books in Eighteenth-century Whitehaven. Michael
Powell, Taking stock: the diary of Edmund Harrold of Manchester. Brenda J. Scragg,
James Everett and the sale of Adam Clarke's library 1833: a newly discovered manuscript. David Stoker, Freeman and Susannah Collins and the spread of English provincial printing.
HINKS, John & Catherine ARMSTRONG [Editors] PRINTING
PLACES. Locations of book production & distribution since 1500. New Castle: Oak Knoll Press; London: British Library,
2005. 8vo (217x150mm), xiv,208p. 9 illustrations. A fine copy in original hardback, dustjacket. £25.00 (stock reference 13684) Containing: Catherine Armstrong, The
bookseller and the pedlar: the spread of knowledge of the new world in early modern England, 1580-1640. Iain Beavan,
John Murray, Richard Griffin and Oliver & Boyd: some supplementary observations. Stephen Brown, James Tytler's misadventures in the late eighteenth century Edinburgh
book trade. Stephen Colclough, Station to station: the LNWR and the emergence
of the railway bookstall, 1840-1875. Alice Ford-Smith, Confessions: the midlands
execution broadside trade. David Hounslow, Self-interested and evil-minded persons:
the book trade activites of Thomas Wilson, Robert Spence and Joseph Mawman of York and the Mozleys of Gainsborough. Peter Isaac, John Murray II and Oliver & Boyd, his Edinburgh agents, 1819-1835. Ian Jackson, The geographies of promotion: a survey of advertising in two eighteenth-century
newspapers. Graham Law, Imagined local communities: three victorian newspaper
novelists. Lucy Lewis, The Tavistock Boethius: one of the earliest examples of
provincial printing. K.A. Manley, Lounging and frivolous literature: subscription
and circulating libraries in the west country to 1825. Ian Maxted, The production
and publication of topographical prints in Devon, c.1790-1870. Lisa Peters, Medical
advertising in the Wrexham press, 1855-1906. David Stoker, Norwich `publishing'
in the seventeenth century.
HINKS, John & Catherine ARMSTRONG
[Editors] WORLDS OF PRINT. Diversity in the booktrade. London: British Library & New Castle DE: Oak Knoll Books,
2006. 8vo, (217x152mm), xiv,240p, illustrations. Hardback, dustjacket. £25.00
(stock reference 14388) Contining: Catherine Armstrong, 'A just and modest
vindication': comparing the responses of the Scottish and English book trades to the Darien Scheme, 1698-1700. Giles Bergel, William Dicey and the networks and places of print culture. Stephen
Brown, Scottish Freemasonry and learned printing in the later eighteenth century. Sarah Miley Cooney, William Somerville Orr, London publisher and printer: The skeleton
in W. & R. Chambers's closet. Jane Francis, Changing perspectives in
a journey through personal, parochial and schoolmasters' libraries 1600-1750. David L. Gants, Lists, inventories and catalogues: shifting modes of ordered knowledge in the early modern book trade. Brian
Hillyard, David Steuart and Giambattists Bodoni: on the fringes of the British book trade. Caroline Viera Jones, A Scottish imprint: George Robertson and The Australian Encyclopaedia. Wallace Kirsop, Cole's Book Arcade: Marvellous Melbourne's 'Palace of Intellect.' Lucy Lewis, Chapman and Myllar: the first printers in Scotland. Nicole Matthews, Collins and the Commonwealth: publisher's publicity and the twentieth-century circulation
of popular fiction titles. Frederick Nesta, Smith, Elder & Co. and the realities
of New Grub Street. Michael Powell, Do the dead talk?: The Daisy Bank Printing
and Publishing Company of Manchester. David Shaw, Retail distribution networks
in East Kent in the eighteenth century. Jane Thomas, 'Forming the literary
tastes of the middle and higher classes': Elgin's circulating libraries and their proprietors, 1789-1870. Noel Waite, The octopus and its silent teachers: A New Zealand response to the British
book trade.
from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth centuries. London: British Library, 2008. 8vo, (208x149mm), 282p. Hardback, dustjacket.
£25.00 (stock reference 16723) Containing: John Feather, Others: some reflections
on book trade history. Angela McShane, Typography matters: brandishing ballads
and gelding curates in Stuart England. Susannah Randal, Newspapers and their
publishers during the popish Plot and Exclusion Crisis. Victoria Gardner, John
White and the development of print culture in the North East of England, 1711-1769. James Caudle, Young Boswell and the London stationers: the authorial collaboration of James Boswell with William Flexney, bookseller
and Samuel Chandler, printer, 1763. Johanna Archbold, Periodical reactions: the
effect of the 1798 revellion and the 1800 Act of Union on the Irish monthly periodical. Eddie Cass, The printing history of the peace egg chapbooks. Paul Smith, The chapbook
mummers plays: analysing ephemeral print traditions. Frank Felstein, What middletown
read: print netwroks in the nineteenth-century mid-west. Lisa Peters, 'Welsh
obscurity to notoriety' - Lloyd George, the Boer War, and the North Wales press. Elaine Jackson, Sievier's Monthly (1909): pseudonyms and readership in early twentieth century popular fiction.
The newspaper and journal trade 1740-1914. London: British Library, 2009. 8vo, (208x149mm), xii,251p. 13 illustrations
and 9 distribution maps. Hardback, dustjacket. £25.00 (stock reference 16861) Containing: Iain Beavan, Forever provincial? a North British lament. Stephen Brown, The market trade for murder and Edinburgh's eighteenth-century book trade. Stephen Colclough, 'The retail newsagents of Lancashire are on strike': the dispute between the Lancashire
retail newsagents and the 'Northern wholesalers', February-September 1914. Victoria Gardner, Humble pie: John Fletcher, business politics and the Chester Chronicle. Graham Hogg, Latter struggles in the life of a provincial bookseller and printer: George Miller of Dunbar, Scotland. Maire Kennedy, William Flyn (1740-1811) and the readers of Munster in the second half of
the eighteenth century. Jennifer Moore, John Ferrar 1742-1804: printer, author
and public man. Lisa Peters & Kath Skinner, Selling the news: distributing
Wrexham's newspapers 1850-1900. Michael Powell & Terry Wyke, Manchester
men and Manchester magazines: publishing periodicals in the provinces in the Nineteenth century. Ria Snowdon,
Sarah Hogdson and the business of print 1800-1822. Elizabeth Tilley, National enterprise and domestic periodicals in nineteenth-century Ireland.