We are situated in an eighteenth century house - once an inn called
the King's Arms - at the northern end of Appleby, a small market town midway between the Lake District and The Pennines; just
off the A66, or 13 miles from either Junction 38 or 40 of the M6 motorway.
If you wish to visit us you will be warmly welcomed, please call 017683 52282 or email to barry.mckay@virgin.net for more details.
or put CA16 6XT in your satnav doo-dah thingy.
Care has been taken to collate the books and describe them
accurately. However any book may be returned, within seven days of receipt, if not found to be acceptable as described. All prices are net. Carriage, packing and insurance
will be charged at cost. Books
for overseas customers will normally be sent by printed paper rate surface post. In the case of large parcels we will use
the most sensible inexpensive method available to us. However, please specify if air mail post is required. At present printed
paper rate surface post can take 8 weeks to North America & up to 14 weeks to Australia, Japan & New Zealand. We accept payment in Sterling, Euro or by US Dollar cheque. Conversion of £ to US$ or €uros is made at the
UK Clearing Banks rate of exchange operating at the date of invoicing. Account customers wishing to pay by
bank, or Euro transfer will find our account details at the foot of their invoice. Please note any transfer or conversion
charges should be included with your payment. Credit Cards: we are happy to accept payment by most major credit and debit cards, however we regret we do not
accept payment by Amex. EURO payments: For the benefit of our customers
in the Euro zone, we can now accept payment by Euro transfer, our
account details can be sent to you. Invoices are due on receipt unless otherwise agreed. Institutional invoices can be post-dated if
required. Possession of title of all goods despatched remains with Barry McKay Rare Books until the invoice is paid in
full. VAT (TVA) Customers in
the European Community should include their VAT / TVA numbers when applicable.
Customers are always welcome to visit our
book-room, which is open most days during office hours and at other times by appointment. However,
please telephone ahead to ensure we are available.
Bookbinding recently executed by Barry McKay |
One does not do the fatuous 'Mission statement' beloved of modern Organisation-Man.
However, the function of a bookseller, as Sir Basil Blackwell once said, is To put worthy books
in worthy hands.
Used Bookseller-Johnny |

Two shirts - how utterly naff - but note the cool needlecord number. |
As well as being more than happy to supply you with any book you may wish to purchase from our stock, you may
also care to know that we also do some bookbinding.
The image to the left below is of a binding recently executed on one of John Crombie's Kickshaw
Press books, a typographically dramatic interpretation of a text by Kurt Schwitters.
I, a scribe of good reputation, have been driven out of house and home by these cunning
printers. They print without any shame, and at very low price, things that inflame the passions,
while we scribes die of hunger. Cure this plague, if you will, by getting rid of printers. They persist
in their wicked behaviour, setting Tibullus in type, while young girls read Ovid to learn about sin. These printers
encourage this because they make such huge profits from it. They flood the market with anything that hints
at lasciviousness. Destroy the printing press, I beg you, or these evil
men will triumph.
Fra Filippon de Strata Venice,